run a tapioca starch processing plant

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  • run a tapioca starch processing plant

Cassava starch processing is a common method of using cassava, but if you want to do it for a long time, you still need to set up a regular factory and have your own brand. Huatai will share with you the preparations and procedures needed to run a tapioca starch processing plant.
1. Site selection
The cassava starch factory should be selected in a good environment, convenient drainage, convenient transportation, sufficient water source, choose a site of appropriate size, and build a sedimentation pond, the site should be larger.
2. Started purchasing cassava starch processing equipment
The selection of cassava starch processing equipment is necessary to set up factories. When you choose cassava starch processing equipment, you should pay more attention to which manufacturers have good reputation and which cassava starch processing equipment manufacturers are strong.
3: go through related procedures
After selecting the site, the environmental impact assessment report should be submitted to the relevant department for approval. Cassava starch belongs to the food category. Naturally, a cassava starch factory must obtain a food production license. In addition, there are business licenses, tax registration certificates, organization code certificates, and health certificates for employees.
In addition to the above preparations and procedures, preparations must also be made for building infrastructure and other infrastructure.

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