What role does tapioca starch play in food?

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What role does tapioca starch play in food?
According to relevant personnel of the quality inspection department of tapioca starch, tapioca starch can be used as a thickener, binder, bulking agent and stabilizer, and is also the best bulking agent, sweetener, flavoring agent carrier and fat substitute. Generally speaking, almost all foods need starch, and tapioca starch is the best among starches.
Tapioca starch can be used as a thickener, binder, bulking agent and stabilizer in food, and it is also a good bulking agent, sweetener, flavoring agent carrier and fat substitute.
Tapioca starch is used as a colloidal stabilizer in beverages containing solid ingredients. In beverages, tapioca starch sweeteners are superior to sucrose because the former improves the processing process and strengthens product characteristics. It can be combined with other sweeteners to meet consumption requirements. High hydrolysis syrup formed by hydrolysis of tapioca starch is an ideal source of easily fermentable sugars in beer brewing.
Raw tapioca starch has many uses in confectionary production, such as gelling, thickening, stabilizing the system, enhancing foaming, controlling crystallization, bonding, film forming, adding luster, etc. Low-viscosity tapioca starch is widely used in gelled confectionery, such as jelly and chewing gum. The most commonly used is acid-thinned starch, because it has excellent reversibility and gelling ability, and these characteristics are more pronounced when exposed to sugar.

Extended Profile Features
1. The taste is bland
Tapioca starch is tasteless and has no aftertaste (such as corn), so it is more suitable than ordinary starch for products that require fine-tuned taste, such as puddings, cakes and pastry fillings.
2. The paste is clear
The paste formed after cassava starch cooking is clear and transparent, suitable for coloring with pigments. This characteristic is also important for the sizing of tapioca starch for high-grade paper.
3. Stickiness
Because the ratio of amylopectin to amylose in tapioca raw starch is as high as 80:20, it has a high peak viscosity. This feature is suitable for many purposes. At the same time, tapioca starch can also be modified to eliminate stickiness and produce a loose structure, which is very important in many food processing.
4. High freeze-thaw stability
Native tapioca starch pastes exhibit relatively low reversibility, thereby preventing water loss during freeze-thaw cycles. This property can be further enhanced through modification.
Efficacy and role of cassava flour:
Detumescence and detoxification. For carbuncle sores, bruises and pain, bruises, traumatic swelling and pain, scabies, stubborn ringworm and other diseases.
The nutritional value of cassava
Brighten hair, strengthen the brain, improve eyesight, warm the lungs, benefit the cardiovascular system, benefit the liver, invigorate the spleen, harmonize the stomach, moisten the intestines, nourish the skin and skin, suppress cancer and fight tumors, nourish yin and tonify deficiency, resist aging and radiation
How to choose cassava
Prioritize the selection of spindle-shaped cassava. The surface looks smooth, do not pick rotten cassava that is poisonous; it does not smell musty, do not buy cassava with black skin or brown spots.

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