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sweet potato starch processing plant

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  • sweet potato starch processing plant

For users who start a sweet potato starch processing plant for the first time, Henan Huatai recommends that you analyze from three points: sweet potato starch processing technology, sweet potato starch processing machinery and sweet potato starch processing machinery suppliers.

Using mature sweet potato starch technology
The previous semi-automatic or manual sweet potato starch process was backward, which had a great impact on the yield and quality of sweet potato starch in the production process. It did not meet the market demand for starch and could only be sold at a low price with low economic benefits. Therefore, it is recommended that you use the wet sweet potato starch process. According to the characteristics of starch equipment at home and abroad, the sweet potato wet starch process is designed. The sweet potato starch process can be adjusted according to the actual situation, sealed processing, the raw material treatment effect of each section is good, and the starch output and quality can be improved as much as possible. Equipped with automatic sweet potato starch processing machinery

The production capacity of the old sweet potato starch processing plant is average, because the raw material processing capacity of the old-fashioned sweet potato starch processing machinery is low, the starch extraction rate is low, and the quality is not guaranteed. Therefore, it is recommended that you configure a set of automatic sweet potato starch processing machinery to cooperate with the wet sweet potato starch process for production. The fully automatic sweet potato starch processing machine can complete the work from raw material cleaning to starch packaging without manual input into actual operation. The process is rigorous, the error is small, the quality and output of the finished starch are guaranteed, and the market economic benefits are high.

Huatai supply professional solution according to your needs, any need please email to [email protected]

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