Automatic Cassava Flour Production Line for Sale

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Automatic Cassava Flour Production Line for Sale
High quality cassava flour is made within a day of harvesting the root. It is very white, has low fat content, it gives
a good smell or taste to food products and can mix very well with wheat flour for use in bread or cakes.
To establish a cassava flour production line you can use low cost cassava flour processing machine (also called
tapioca starch machine) to make high quality cassava flour you require.
Step 1: Selecting roots harvest or buy healthy, mature, firm, freshly harvested cassava roots. These should have no
bruises. The flesh of the roots should be white with no cracking and few fibrous roots.
Step 2: Peeling the roots and remove the stalk, woody tips and any fibrous roots using a sharp knife. Failure to peel
properly will result in off-colour in the final product.
Step 3: Washing the peeled cassava roots with clean water to remove any dirt, including sand, soil, leaves or other
Step 4: Grating Use a simple perforated iron sheet or mechanical grater to grate cassava roots into a fine mash.
Step 5: Pressing Pack the grated cassava mash into a clean bag, such as a jute or sisal sack that will allow extra
water to escape.
Step 6: Drying Spread the pressed cassava mash thinly on a clean black plastic sheet placed on a gentle slope in
full sun. Ideally this should be raised off the floor.
Step 7: Milling Mill the dried cassava mash to produce flour. Milling can be done using a hammer mill (village posho
Step 8: Sifting Using a simple home-made sieve, sift the milled flour to remove fibrous materials and any lumps.
This is important to obtain high-quality free-flowing flour, free of fibre with a good particle size.
Step 9: Packaging and storing Pack sifted cassava flour in airtight moisture-proof black plastic bags.

Any need please email to [email protected]

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